Posted on 5/20/2009

Great places to vacation on the East Coast- Virginia, Vermont, New Jersey vacation rentals

These are some sample seasons and rates for a 2br unit, beachfront or ski in and out. Region- East Coast– Included in this region are Virginia, New Jersey, Vermont, and Maine. The beach areas from Virginia to Maine all have the same summer season, lasting from June until August. “The Shore” as it is called in some areas, has cooler water and darker beaches than the southeastern region. There are several ski areas concentrated in this region as well in Vermont. The ski season lasts from early December to mid April.

Virginia beach, VA

9/6 -5/15, 9/19-12/31 $175
5/16 -6/12, 8/22-9/18 $250
6/13 – 8/21 $400

Long beach,NJ

Summer $2200/wk
May-Mid-June ………….. $1600/wk
Mid-September-October $1500/wk


Early Season: Memorial Day Weekend & Jun .. $ 950/wk
High Season: Jul-Labor Day Week ……….. $1200/wk
Fall Foliage Season: Sep 10-Oct 31 …….. $ 950/wk
Off season weekends .. $140/nt

Stratton mtn, VT

Dec 01-Apr 15 $300 weekday..$1100/weekend $2000/wk (Non-Holiday)
May 01-Sep 30 .. $175/night $ 750-$1000/wk (Golf Season)
Oct 01-Nov 15 .. $175/night $ 750-$1000/wk (Fall Foliage)
Holiday Weeks .. $550-$750/night $4000-$5000/wk

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